They invited us to their family Thanksgiving dinner at The Tides restaurant on Patrick Air Force Base. The quantity and quality of the food at the buffet was extraordinary; and the best part was no one had to cook or clean up. It was a perfect day with friends, in a perfect location with one exception. While preparing to leave the RV Park, in Jacksonville, Jay lifted the air compressor from the truck bed to top up a leaky tire and strained his back. He suffered through the dinner in increasing agony and spent most of the weekend flat on his back.
Chris wishes she had a video of him getting in and out of bed. Torn between sympathizing with his pain and roaring with laughter at the positions he had to achieve to get upright really was comical. Chris stood by ready to lend support as he rolled, with fits and starts, onto his stomach in a position perpendicular to the edge of the bed, scooted his legs off the edge so that his knees touched the floor, then, with the upper body ramrod straight so as not to strain his already tortured back, pushed his torso upright, folded the leg on his good side under him for support, and slowly, with gasps, grimaces and groans, stood up. Then he’d commandeer the support of counters, doors and walls while staggering a few short steps until the muscles loosened up and he became mobile. All this just to take a leak.
On Friday we did manage to get him out of the RV for a visit with an old Coast Guard friend, Don Buotte, and his wife Carol, who lived a stone’s throw from where we were staying. As long as he mixed up sitting and standing and walking Jay could get through a few hours away from bed.
The silver lining to it all was that with Jay incapacitated, Chris could continue to load software and make sure that all her data was in residence on the new system.
The following Monday a Chiropractor set him straight and we spent the rest of the day visiting with Jerry and Linda Paxton at their beautiful, custom home in Indian Harbour Beach, a short drive to the east. The day was sunny and warm and following a lunch on their pool deck, they took us on a tour of the nearby rivers and canals on their power boat. Linda is reducing her collection of antique sewing machines and told us many stories about the ones she still had. Chris was amazed at how unique and beautiful they were.

Jay’s back survived the day’s activities and we made plans to enjoy the area’s attractions for the remainder of our stay.
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